Monday, February 24, 2014

Comic a day

While I know I should probably be spending a bit more time painting I can't help but constantly sink back into the cheap thrills of comics. As of late I started up a small somewhat biographical comic about my day-to-day shenanigans.

They contain a decent amount of vulgarity.

While far from high art or portfolio material they are a decent trial in repetition and narration, something that I assume I should practice everyday. So while they might be quick blasts of ridiculousness and childish humor, they constantly get me to lift up a pencil and draw.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Coffee Powered Comics

Prolly one of my favorite events of the year falls on the first saturday of October. This is the infamous  24-Hour Comics Day, or as I like to call it: coffee and carpal tunnel day.

While an incredibly stressful experience it is not without its perks and learning experiences. Plus it's a good way to sit your ass down and really make a sizable (if not somewhat lackluster) piece of work.

While they sure as hell aren't the best pieces of work they're good practice. Rather than needing to polish the work and focus in on the fine tuning you crush out page after page focusing on the important bits of each page.

Anyway, everyone should do it, it's fun as all hell, here's the rest of it if interested.


Friday, February 7, 2014

Short and Sweet

I recently submitted some work into the SOI Student Competition. While the trend in popular illustration right now is focused around a crisp albeit primitive look (Ben Shahn with a computer if I had to put a tag to it), I went against my better judgement and created an oil painting that harkened back to the "Golden Age" of illustration, specifically some of Dean Cornwell's early work in illustration.

After getting some good reference:

Choosing the color palette, and quickly scratching in an acrylic underpainting I was able to bust out the painting in about four or five hours.

Ironically what ended up being a quick and mostly painless piece turned out to be one of the best pieces I had done to date...

Now I just have to do it again,

and again

and again...

Dammit if I ain't trying.